A business needs customers. Now, the question is who are the customers of a business. Are all people the customers of a business? Certainly, the answer is no. Here, the term generates “Targeting in marketing’’. It helps in finding the right target market.  Now, we will try to know what exactly the term is. 

The term refers to the process of breaking the target audiences into different segments. And developing strategies to reach one or a few of the segments is also part of target marketing. It is the medium of finding the right potential customers. 

Again, how will you reach your target customers? Businesses do marketing to reach their customers. Lead generation is one of the best parts of a great B2B marketing strategy. We will also explore what important targeting in marketing bears for the B2B lead generation. We will also try to know about the best B2B lead generation technique: cold calling.

What is targeting in Marketing? 

Targeting in marketing is a very popular term in the area of sales and marketing. Businesses need customers. All the people in the world could not be the customers of a business. The marketers whether doing business in the B2C or B2B market need to write to customers. It is a way that is used to find out the right customers for the business.  

Target marketing is a tool of marketing strategy. Marketers use the tool for breaking customers based on their needs and preferences. Then, the marketers select one or few segments to target. The term also indicates the STP process tool of marketing. Now, we will explore how the STP process works. 

STP: targeting in marketing process 

STP stands for segmenting, targeting, and positioning. It works like a process. For example, every business wants to do marketing and reach its target audience. The business can follow the three stages. STP marketing is more important in B2B lead generation. The following section shows the STP process. 


The first stage of STP marketing is segmenting. Segmenting is the process of dividing the market based on certain characteristics. Every segment entails the same characteristics. The four well-known bases of the segmentation are as follows. 

  • Demographic basis: Age, gender, race, marital status, number of family members, etc.  
  • Psychographic basis: Customers’ beliefs, attitudes, habits, etc. 
  • Behavioral basis:  Purchase behaviors, customer loyalty, etc. 
  • Geographic basis: The area or region where people live.  


After segmenting, the targeting stage comes. Every segment carries different characteristics from one another. The targeting stage shows how a marketer selects one segment or a few segments. First, the targeting stage evaluates all the segments. Then it selects one or more segments for the business. In targeting, a business focuses on the objective of the company and the needs of the customers. Selecting the right target segment is necessary for making a B2B lead generation more successful. 


After selecting the target segment/segments, the positioning stage comes. In this stage, you will decide how you want your customers to perceive the products or brand. The stage determines what image customers will perceive about the products or brand. In the positioning stage, you decide what value proposition you are going to offer to your target audience. You tailor your message for the positioning. In the time of cold calling, you should keep in mind the positioning strategy of your business. 

Understanding the Importance of Targeting in B2B Lead Generation

Increased Efficiency and ROI 

Effectively executing targeting in your marketing strategy enables you to focus your efforts on the business sectors most likely to convert. Such an approach enhances the utilization of marketing resources, consequently leading to an increased Return On Investment (ROI).

Personalized Marketing

By understanding your target market, you can craft personalized marketing messages. In today’s crowded market, personalization is essential for differentiation and has been proven to greatly enhance lead generation activities.

Better Customer Relationship

Targeted marketing allows for better understanding of customers’ needs and preferences, allowing a business to build stronger, more profitable relationships.

Competitive Advantage

Understanding your target audience can provide a significant competitive edge, allowing you to customize your products, services, and communication strategies more effectively than competitors.

Key Steps in Targeting for B2B Lead Generation

Identify Your Target Market

A crucial initial step in targeting is identifying your potential customers. This can include businesses in a specific industry, geographical location, or of a certain size.

Segment Your Market

Once you have identified your target market, break it down into granular segments. This could be based on factors like business acquisition stage, individual roles in the company, or specific needs and pain points.

Create Targeted Messaging

Tailor your marketing messaging to resonate with your targeted segments. Use language they are familiar with and address specific concerns or challenges they might be facing.

Channel Selection

Identify the marketing platforms most frequented and relied upon by your target audience. Implement your marketing and communication strategies through these platforms to achieve maximum exposure. Deploy your marketing and communication efforts across these channels for the optimum reach.

Monitor and Adjust 

Consistently evaluate and scrutinize the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. Use the insights to adjust your strategy, messaging, or channels to improve lead generation continuously.

By integrating targeted marketing within your B2B lead generation strategy, you not only improve the chances of reaching the right audience but also serve them in a more personalized and effective manner. This results in a more roundly beneficial experience for both you and your leads, where you can offer specific solutions to their unique problems, hence fostering deeper and more profitable professional relationships.

Targeting in Marketing for B2B Lead Generation

To reach the right market

Before starting the activities of lead generation, a business first needs to identify the specific target audience. The selection of the right target audience is necessary to make lead generation more successful. Target marketing is a way of finding the right target audience for lead generation. Approaching the right audiences increases the chances of more conversion. 

To reduce cost 

A company can use many techniques for generating leads. For example, one of the best lead generation techniques is a newsletter campaign. A marketer may use a newsletter campaign tool. Using a newsletter campaign tool will incur a cost for the businesses. So, sending the newsletter to the people who are irrelevant to your business will not be effective. By helping in targeting the right audience, targeting in marketing helps in reducing costs. 

To reduce time and efforts 

B2B lead generation requires much more effort than B2C lead generation. In the B2B market, there needs to be individual prospects. Communicating with prospects individually requires much time and cost. So, for approaching the right prospects targeting in marketing is necessary. 

To generate more relevant content

When you know about your target audience, you can generate more relevant content for your target audience. Providing relevant content means more customer engagement. As a result, the chances of conversion from prospects to the sales increase.

Most used lead generation techniques

First of all, lead generation is a way of generating interest among the customers for the company’s producers or services. A marketer can generate leads in many ways. The blog will now present some lead generation techniques.  


Blogging is a good way for generating leads. Great content keeps the potential to induce an audience to take action as per the company’s desire. Because good content carries value for the audience. It has the capability of meeting the needs of the audience. 

Cold calling

A great lead generation technique is cold calling. A well-planned cold calling can make the conversation more vibrant.  Successful delivery of speech can give more effective sales leads to a business. 

Newsletter campaign

E-newsletters are now popular to inform customers about any products, company news, or updates. Creative content in the e-newsletter is necessary to be successful in newsletter campaign marketing. 


Arranging different events like seminars, and online webinars can generate leads for a B2B business. Another good example of event lead generation is conference arrangement. 

Social media platforms

Social media platforms could be a good source of lead generation for a business. Attractive content in social media can generate more leads. 

In conclusion, we can say that targeting in marketing is a tool that helps a company to identify the right target audience. It is a three-step process which is called STP marketing. A marketer by following the three stages can find and reach the right target audiences. 

The selection of the right audience is much more necessary for B2B lead generation. The right target audience means a relevant audience who may need to take your service. The importance of target marketing tells that it helps in making lead generation more effective and successful. Some popular lead generation techniques such as blogging, cold calling, e-newsletter campaigns, etc. The techniques can be used separately or in combinedly.  

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