Email has become one of the most important applications for people in their personal as well as professional use. Considering the huge number of emails that are used on the internet every day, it becomes a really tough job to get noticed in the inbox of the recipient. And for businesses, it says a lot when an understanding of how the customers open their email is known to reflect. This is where the email tracking software for boosting businesses comes in. Here is the multi-thousand-word inbox guide on digging deep into email tracking software for boosting businesses and its use, major features to look for while choosing your best software, best practices in using, and more.

What is Email Tracking Software For Boosting Businesses?

email tracking software for boosting businesses

An email tracking software for boosting businesses is monitoring software that allows the sender to know the status of their mails. The data a sender receives could vary, such as when an email was opened, whether the recipient clicked on a link from the email, or how many times an email was reopened. The data from this is majorly important due to the fact that it gives businesses a perfect chance to gauge performance in email campaigns and some communication strategies.

How Does Email Tracking Software For Boosting Businesses Work?

Usually, email tracking software for boosting businesses embeds a very small invisible image, also referred to as a pixel, in the body of the email. This is loaded from the server whenever the receiver opens an email and sends back a signal to the tracking software, which clearly shows that the email has been opened. For link tracking, unique URLs are created and inserted into the email. When the recipient of the email clicks on such links, the tracking software will document it and might also provide further details from the time the click occurred and what device was used.

Benefits of Using Email Tracking Software For Boosting Businesses 

  1. Better Follow-ups: Being aware of when your recipient has opened your email or clicked on your links allows you to follow up at the best of times possible, resulting in better response rates.
  2. Better Campaign Effectiveness: With the analysis of effectiveness metrics, you can develop a performing great email marketing campaign and another that is performing low.
  3. Better Sales Intelligence: With email, a sales team can learn how potential customers are using email, getting rough insights into their interests, and readiness to engage in a more proactive way.
  4. Tailored Communication: It keeps a record of data to be able to create future communications better in tune with the needs and wants of the receiver, which in turn helps bring forth more personalized and effective interactions.
  5. Increased Productivity: Automated tracking reduces the burden of manual follow-up and provides a summary of email performance, saving too much time and resources.

Key Features to Look for in Email Tracking Software For Boosting Businesses 

email tracking software for boosting businesses

The following are features to consider when selecting email tracking software for boosting businesses:

  1. Real-Time Notifications: Real-time notifications give the ability to get instant alerts at every point an email is opened or a link is clicked.
  2. Detailed Analytics: It must include views of email opens, link clicks, bounce rates, and all other engagement metrics.
  3. Integration with CRM: Easily integrated into your customer relationship management system to provide centralized, easy access to tracking data.
  4. Customizable Tracking: The settings that can be changed in the tracking process for different kinds of metrics.
  5. Security and Privacy: Ensure that the software complies with data protection regulations and that there are secure tracking options to ensure recipient privacy.
  6. Ease of Use: User interface that is friendly enough to enable even the least technical user to set up and use the system.
  7. Scalability: The software should be able to expand with your business terms of increasing the volume of emails and users you are dealing with.

How to Choose the Right Email Tracking Software For Boosting Businesses 

  1. Define Your Needs: What might your requirements be for this email tracking tool ? Will you just need to check basic opens and clicks, or will you need something other than that at an advanced level, perhaps CRM integrations with deep analytics?
  2. Take into consideration your budget: email tracking software for boosting businesses comes in a wide range of prices. Think about the value that you want to derive from the software based on its cost.
  3. Review User Reviews: Look for user comments and reviews to help you determine the merits and demerits of various options.
  4. Request Demos and Trials: Several email tracking apps offer you their demos or free trials, so inquire about them. After having this in mind, it is now ripe to take benefit of the software chosen to test if it indeed satisfies your needs.
  5. Check Compatibility: Make sure the software you choose is compatible with your existing email platform and also some other tools you use.

Best Practices for Using Email Tracking Software For Boosting Businesses 

  1. Respect Privacy: Whenever you need to have email tracking, make the recipient aware. Abusing tracking data can destroy your trust and reputation.
  2. Regularly Analyze Data: Track your monitoring data from time to time to understand the performance of your email and follow strategies accordingly.
  3. Segment Your Audience: Use tracking data to segment your audience based on engagement levels and tailor your communications accordingly.
  4. Optimize Email Content: Leverage tracking data insights to optimize email content. Test different variations of subject lines, call-to-action buttons, and styles of content to find out which performs better.
  5. Follow Up Strategically: Use tracking data for a strategic follow-up plan. Follow up with people who are engaging, and change up the strategy for those who are not as responsive.
  6. Stay Compliant: Ensure that you are compliant with all data privacy laws and regulations, including GDPR and CAN-SPAM, while using email tracking.

email tracking software for boosting businesses

Best Popular Email Tracking Software For Boosting Businesses 


In the fast world of email marketing and sales marketing, it pays to understand just how effective an email campaign is in order to ensure those win streaks do not come to an end. Rising as a big name atop most of the email tracking software for boosting businesses companies, LeadFoxy offers a series of very vital benefits to businesses looking forward to making the most of their emailing marketing strategies. The strong feature set and ease of use that comes with LeadFoxy promise unprecedented insights into email engagement to help businesses improve campaign results.

Key Features: 

  1. Real-Time Tracking: LeadFoxy can now provide the real-time status of email opens, clicks, and replies so organizations can realize real engagement triggers right away and act on them.
  2. Deep analytics: The software provides rich analytics, gaining insight into the performance of each of those emails in terms of an open rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate.
  3. Integrative Power: LeadFoxy is integrative with the best CRM systems and email marketing platforms, creating seamless flow of the processes between marketing and sales teams.
  4. Customizable Reporting: Users within this system, when necessary, can develop their own desired reports to display important KPIs based on relevant goals.
  5. Automated Follow-Ups: The software can automatically send follow-up emails depending on the behavior of the recipient, ensuring that no lead slips away.

That’s where all these features get consolidated and hence allow LeadFoxy to stand out as a powerful tool that every business intent on having the best of email marketing needs to have in its kitty. With that said, let’s proceed to look at some other leading email tracking software for boosting businesses available within the market and what they offer.

Other Leading Email Tracking Software For Boosting Businesses 


1. Mailtrack

Mailtrack is among the greatest email tracking software for boosting businesses, mainly for the users of Gmail. It offers all the necessary tracking features that can help a user understand the level of engagement their sent emails get.

Key Features: 

  1. User Friendliness: Mailtrack works in harmony with Gmail, having easy installation and use, not requiring complex configurations.
  2. Real-Time Notifications: Users get notifications in real time in case the mails are opened for them to follow up on time.
  3. Link Tracking: This feature tracks instances of clicking on various links in the emails, thus giving insights into the engagement of the recipients.
  4. Unlimited tracking: Unlike some of its competitors, Mailtrack offers free users the possibility of using unlimited email tracking.

Simple to operate, and with integrated operation within Gmail, it is most favoured by users and small businesses in need of basic email tracking capabilities.

2. HubSpot Sales

One such powerful email tracking software for boosting businesses is HubSpot Sales, an offering from the wider landscape of CRM, Marketing, and Sales solutions driven by data. Although designed mainly for sales teams, it provides in-depth insights into the performance of emails that can greatly help such teams in their outreach efforts.

Key Features: 

  1. Full Tracking: It gives your sales representatives the complete picture of recipients’ email opens, link clicks, and document downloads.
  2. CRM Integration: This is a part of the HubSpot suite in which this kind of email tracking features are integrated deeply with HubSpot CRM to allow fluid data flow and advanced lead management.
  3. Automated Workflows: Set up automated workflows based on email engagement. Be sure to follow up and nurture your leads in a timely manner.
  4. Email personalization: HubSpot Sales can help put a personal touch on emails and make them much more relevant to be of some concern to the reader.

HubSpot, with its CRM and other tools integrated into HubSpot Sales, is one tool that makes businesses to try to streamline their selling process and efforts in email engagement easy.

3. Yesware

Another powerful email tracking solution is Yesware, created to arm sales teams with invaluable insights. It integrates with popular mail platforms like Gmail and Outlook, which makes it a versatile choice for many businesses.

Key Features: 

  1. Email Tracking: Yesware tracks when emails are opened, links are clicked, and attachments viewed, giving one a full picture of recipient interactions.
  2. Templates and Campaigns: Create, save email templates, and run email campaigns directly from your inbox.
  3. Reports and Analytics: Yesware includes some serious report and analytics tools that allow members to measure the success of their outreach campaign.
  4. CRM Integration: Yesware works with most CRMs so that the tracked data can be easily accessed and acted upon.

Email features and focus were amongst the many wonderful capabilities comprising the Yesware Sales Team; together, they combine to make its application a powerful tool in any business.

4. Streak

Streak is CRM for Gmail, while the same possesses very useful email tracking features; it is developed for managing sales pipelines straight from your inbox as a business.

Key Features:

  1. Email tracking: Streak notifies you when an email has been opened or a link placed within the body of the email has been clicked.
  2. Pipe management: Software that permits control of a sales pipeline from within Gmail, with all information in a unified place.
  3. Mail Merge: Users are able to use personalized mass emails with the help of Mail Merge. This, therefore, improves efficiency in campaigns via mass email marketing.
  4. Task management: There are streak tools for managing tasks that ensure a user is on the right track.

Streak is a perfect choice for any business that wishes to manage the sales process and email outreach on one platform, thanks to its fusion with Gmail and CRM capabilities.

5. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is the all-in-one marketing automation platform packed with good email tracking functionalities. It helps businesses to create, manage, and effectively follow-up their email marketing campaigns.

Key Features:

  1. Email Tracking: ActiveCampaign allows you to track emails opened, links clicked through, and responses sent with tracking.
  2. Marketing Automation: It has powerful automation facilities to create automation workflows tied to email engagement.
  3. CRM Integration: The ActiveCampaign comes with an inbuilt CRM where all the tracked information will become usable.
  4. Segmentation: You can segment a list of users based on many criteria and make sure mail is sent to well-targeted and highly relevant email IDs.

ActiveCampaign’s strength can be projected in its ability to increase email marketing efforts through email tracking, marketing automation, and CRM.

Choosing the Right Email Tracking Software For Boosting Businesses 

email tracking software for boosting businesses

You must base your choice of the best email tracking software for boosting businesses on the specific needs and objectives. 

Here are some factors:

  1. Usability: Look for ease of installation and use with a good graphical user interface.
  2. Integration Capabilities: Confirm that the software can integrate well with other tools, such as a CRM system and email client.
  3. Features: Check for features—real-time tracking, in-depth analytics, and automated follow-ups—that are most important to you.
  4. Cost: Compare price plans of different software solutions and choose one that fits your budget.
  5. Customer Support: Look for customer support software that provides reliable support in the case of an issue or question.

The Future of Email Tracking Software For Boosting Businesses 

The software to be used on the tracking of calls in the near future will clearly be driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning. With these technologies, the existence is going to give deeper-based insights and predictive analytics to explain the past and what is likely to happen in the future to a business. What is more, the rules around data privacy are bound to change, and so email tracking software has to keep current with the type of insights it provides.


Email tracking software for boosting businesses helps a great deal to organize both communication and sales strategies. In what ways, this tracking software gives insight into the interaction of recipients with the emails and therefore allows making better decisions and better communication relevant and personalized for more positive reactions. As a small business, you may wish to supercharge your email marketing efforts, or maybe you are an enterprise looking to really optimize your sales pipeline. That’s where the right email tracking software for boosting businesses  will make all the difference. Just remember to choose the one that fits your needs, respects privacy, and uses your data right in order to help you form better relationships with your audience.

In a world that’s dominated by email, email tracking software for boosting businesses arms you with an advantage by breaking through the competitive noise so that you can stand out in a cluttered inbox and produce better results for your business.

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